Theatre Practice in Nigeria: Sourcing Native Materials for Make-Up Design: An Alternative to Exotic Products

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2023

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Make-up design is one of the key components in the unique experience associated with performances and vital tool for theatrical productions, film-making, social celebrations, festival and cultural promotion. However, it is no news that most make-up design products used in Nigeria rely largely on exotic products for obvious reasons that can be handled locally. This paper seeks to establish the fact that the raw materials for make-up products to meet the required international standard are readily available in Nigeria that can be tapped, processed and refined for use as an alternative to the imported foreign products – that are scarce, expensive and often alien to local theatrical and film productions. The paper is based on qualitative research method, relying on participant observation an in-depth professional knowledge. The study recommends experimental research to be carried out in this regard which will involve scientific procedure and laboratory tests on the available local raw materials in order to facilitate the production of make-up products with global specifications. The outcome serves as part of roadmap to alternatives and possible replacement to the non-native make-up products flooding the Nigerian markets that will be accessible, available and affordable; and by extension be of advantage to the Nigerian economy in terms of revenue generation.

Keywords: Make-Up Designs Exotic Products Film Making Experimental Research

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.2(1) pp. 202-209
