Call for paper

AKSU Journal of English is a publication of the Department of English, Akwa Ibom State University. This edition expects well-researched papers in the diverse areas of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies. Articles submitted would be peer-reviewed and closely scrutinized to ensure quality, diversity and content.

Contributors are free to choose from any of the topical issues in Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, as listed but not limited to the ones below:

Papers submitted should not be more than 6000 words (including abstract and references). The paper should be well articulated and fresh in ideas, imagination and presentation, and should be submitted to the address below. APA style sheet should be used for Language while MLA style sheet should be used for Literature-related articles.

Submission and Article Processing Charges (APC)

Contributors whose articles meet the requirements specified above will be instructed to pay the sum of N5,000.00 assessment fee and N20,000.00 or $100 publication fee after the initial evaluation to: GTB 0141351732

Notes for Contributors

AKSU Journal of English is a peer-reviewed,research-based journal of English. The Editorial Board welcomes well-researched, clearly articulated papers from every area of Languages, Linguistics, Literature, and Cultural Studies, both intheoretical and applied aspects of the Arts, Humanities and multidisciplinary areas generally. Submissions should be done in MLA style-sheet in Literature-related articles, and APA style-sheet in Language- related articles, and attached in Microsoft Word format (Not in PDF) and forwarded to The Chief Editor,

Articles submitted to AKSU Journal of English should be accompanied with an abstract of up to 250 words, and a bio data of the author(s) of up to 50words attached in an accompaniedattachment. The full article should not be more than 5000 – 6000 words, including Works Cited or References as appropriate.