The Semantics of ‘It Is Well’ in Nigerian English

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2023

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This paper investigates the contexts in which ‘it is well’ is used in Nigerian English. Fifty final year students of the Department off English, University of Uyo were given ten contexts and asked to identify which of them could attract the comment clause it is well’. The analysis was done using simple percentages and insights from Chomsky’s 1986 Internalized Semantics Theory. While some of the senses identified may readily be accessible to the speakers of English because they are basic and literal, some others, such as its use to convey resignation, acceptance, the end of a discussion, an expression of sympathy, etc. could pose problems for non-Nigerians because their senses anchored in the Nigerian sociolinguistic and pragmatic contexts. The study shows that its use is related to the cultural and religious beliefs of Nigerians. The paper proposes that such differences in usage be recognized, respected and accepted.

Keywords: Semantics Contexts Nigerian English Socio-Linguistics Pragmatics Internalized Semantics

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.2(1) pp. 13-17


  • Inyang Udofot
    Department of English
    Akwa Ibom State University