Oil Pillage of the Ecosystem: A Study of Helon Habila’s Oil On Water

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2023

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The environment of the Niger Delta has greatly been threatened due to the numerous oil explorations by most oil companies operating in the Niger Delta communities. Oil exploration activities have wreaked havoc on the entire ecosystem of the oil-producing communities. Evidential documents and papers that show the environmental pillage and devastation of the Niger Delta, which emanates as a result of oil exploration, have been written by researchers. Many literary scholars have included these gory scenes and horrible situations in their literary works. Alot of other environmental humanists and eco-critics have read these works and have also given eco-critical interpretations of them. This research therefore uses the eco-critical theory to discuss the environmental issues that emanate from the Niger Delta as a result of oil explorations. Using Helon Habila’s Oil on Water as a primary text, it adopts a qualitative methodology for data collection and analysis. The focus of this research is on the effect of oil on the ecosystem of the Niger Delta. This study reveals that Habila’s Oil on Water is a reflection of how the landscape, the fauna and flora, and the entire ecosystem of the Niger Delta have been destroyed as a result of oil explorations and spills. This study recommends that the government should try to streamline the functions of the various agencies charged with the responsibilities of implementing environmental laws and that the oil industry should work closely with government agencies, universities, and research centres to combat the menace of oil spill incidents.

Keywords: Ecosystem Pillage Environment Niger Delta

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.2(1) pp. 210-218


  • Okachukwu Onuah Wosu
    Department of English and Literary Studies,
    Rivers State University, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt.
  • Mbuotidem Saturday Idio
    Department of English and Literary Studies,
    Rivers State University, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt