Recurring Self in Selected Haruna Daniel’s Facebook Memoirs

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2021

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The Facebook writer, Haruna Daniel, whose recurrent jottings come under the critical purview of this paper, replays various scenarios of self-recreation, self-introspection and illuminates dimensions of his (un)conscious existence and self-performativity. Through the application of Psychoanalytic theory, this paper examines the phenomenon of ‘recurring self’ in selected Haruna’s Facebook Memoirs. It investigates the use of Facebook platform as a creative arena by which the author embarks on (in)voluntary re-creation of dimensions of various self as archetypal representation of the collective in the universe of his existence. Through the application of Psychoanalysis, it is observed that Haruna’s Facebook memoirs are the author’s creation of the imagined self in various thematic focuses as a means of resistance and acceptance of certain societal norms. This paper submits that through the study of the author’s changing self, the conscious followers are able to account for the author’s complete existence as a human. It asserts that in the selected excerpts of Haruna’s Facebook memoirs, there is a constant reappropriation of the Self that is domiciled within the memory of the writer.

Keywords: Recurring Self Facebook Memoir Psychoanalysis Remediation Haruna Daniel

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1(1) pp. 359-375
