Reading Culture, Intellectual Development and the Knowledge Sector: A Case Study of Selected Students of Mountain Top University

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2021

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The main purpose of consistent and wide reading is to enhance intellectual capacity for sustainable growth and development of any society and for this to be achieved there is need for students to be groomed and drilled in the culture of reading in order to advance and promote the societal growth. The need for enhancing students’ reading culture is to improve and upgrade them intellectually. The study investigates how reading culture among University students can be strategized and sustained for the good of society: the case study is based on the performance of selected students of Mountain Top University. The paper goes further to highlight the roles of ICT utility and stakeholders in enhancing reading culture among students. The data collected were analysed using the descriptive statistics. Results revealed that quite a number of factors are responsible for nonchalant attitude of students to reading, like: Social media, ill-equipped libraries, economy situation of the country, non-availability of resources, etc. It was recommended that more regulated and effective class activities should be incorporated into the curriculum of University students to improve their level of understanding and schools should equip their libraries with adequate and current textbooks for the students’ usage. The study concludes that adequate use of instructional materials can also increase and enhance the performance of students.

Keywords: Reading Culture Intellectual Curriculum Sustainable

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1(1) pp. 270-281


  • Oladejo Tolulope Odunayo, PhD
    Department of English,
    Mountain Top University, Ogun State, Nigeria.