Portrait of Lacanian Hero in Terhemba Shijas the Siege the Saga

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2021

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This paper uses Jacques Lacan’s concepts of the imaginary, the symbolic and the real order to explore the rise of the hero as a defining portrait in this novel. This work aims at helping the readers understand the state of mind of Shija’s hero- Targema and factors that influences him in his heroic quest. Lacanian theory makes literary study a thing of interest because it provides the opportunity of dissecting a text and bringing out important aspects of the work. As a theory and practice, it is an aspect that provides therapeutic treatment and then also coordinates for thinking about the relationship the exists between illusion and social reality towards an illustration.

Keywords: Targema Lacanian Hero Terhemba Shija The Siege The Saga

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1(1) pp. 314-320


  • Dr. Azan, Baba James, PhD
    Department of English, Faculty of Arts
    Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria
  • Adokwe Grace (MRS)
    Department of English, Faculty of Arts
    Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria