BOOK REVIEW - We’re Fish

Published in UTUENIKANG - December, 2021

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In contemporary age where humanity is being tossed by the winds of power hegemony, socio-economic and political fragmented along prejudiced divides, pushed to the fringes and assailed by the threats of self-inflicted extinction, the undeclared war between the weak and the powerful has continued to rage on. The pursuit of knowledge, wealth and power continues ironically to push the wheel of invention and ambition to the edge of ecological anarchy, and writers conscious of the drift continue to bring their artistic energy and creative vision to bear on the dangers that humanity daily live by. Environmental writers and activists, eco-centric scholars and critics in the multidisciplinary arena have deployed various means at their disposals to engage with the multifarious dangers posed by the toxic activities of man towards fellow man, and towards the environment, in the bids to re-create a consciousness of the common embryogenesis or common source that ties all life to a common destiny and shared fate. The concerns for global harmoniousness and survival of life on the planet Earth inform the recurrent eco-centric themes in the bulk of environmental narratives of the postmodern universe. Ahmed Maiwada’s poetry in We’re Fish draws on the dialectic of universal connection of all things to celebrate the heritage of our common humanity, and by so doing explores the paradoxical footages of human progress and development. We’re Fish is one book that is likely to hold.

Keywords: Ahmed Maiwada Hegemony Extinction Artistic Energy Creative Vision

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1(1) pp. 415-417

Book Information

Title of Book: We’re Fish
Genre: Poetry
Author: Ahmed Maiwada
Publishers: Image Books
Place of Publication: Yaba, Lagos
Date of Publication: 2017
Pages: i-vi + 78
ISBN: 978 978 952 122 7


  • David Ekanem Udoinwang, PhD