The Problems of Adverbials in a Second Language Situation: A Case of English and Anaang in a Contrastive Study

Published in AKSUJEL - June, 2024

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This paper is a detailed contrastive analysis on the Problems of Adverbials in a second Language Situation, a Case of English and Anaang in a Contrastive Study. It assesses the processes of deriving these adverbials. It focuses attention on the syntactic and semantic behaviour of adverbials as distinguished from other parts of speech, especially the Noun and the Adjective. The researchers do not intend to make a clearcut demarcation between syntax and semantics, since it is the opinion of the researchers that both of them function together for human utterances to be communicative. Syntax without Semantics would, at best, be a mere string of words devoid of sense or meaning. Therefore, to carefully discuss the syntactic functions of adverbials, a sub-categorization of adverbials in terms of time, place, manner, condition, reason/purpose, degree and concession has been done and each category fully accounted for; the semantic functions shall be subsumed at the same time. Finally, in drawing examples for this work, the researchers shall be very meticulous and eclectic so as to be able to cite instances from the different locations where the dialects of Anaang are spoken.

Keywords: English and Anaang Syntactic Behaviour Semantic Behaviour Second Language

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.5(1) pp. 108-118
