Nature-Woman Relationship in Albert Otto’s Letters from the Earth

Published in AKSUJEL - June, 2024

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The domination of woman and the degradation of the environment could be evaluated as part of the fallouts of a society that is socio-culturally governed by patriarchy and capitalism. Thus, nature and woman share a similar history of commodification, oppression, and marginalisation in a male-centred society. With the use of ecofeminism as analytical theory, the study examines how the age long exploitation of nature in connection with the oppression of women serves to intensify male-dominant system deep into the age of globalisation.Ecofeminism thus emphasises gender liberation and environmental safety. Therefore, this paper seeks to examine naturewoman relationship in Albert Otto’s Letters from the earth, as it supports a restructuring and overhauling of the system that places man at the centre of all things and objectifies nature-woman. This study employs ecofeminism as offshoot of feminism towards a clearer explication of the subjugation of women in a society already plagued by degradation. Also, it attempts a close critical reading of Albert Otto’s Letters from the Earth as it strives to ensure a non-hegemonic patriarchal society and a safe environment.

Keywords: Ecology Ecofeminism Patriarchy Environmental Degradation Albert Otto

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.5(1) pp. 85-96
