Teaching the Ideals and Conduct Through Traditional Drama

Published in AKSUJEL - December, 2022

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Traditional African societies held in high esteem, and cherished, certain moral values, ideals, conduct and philosophies. Many of these formed the bedrock of existence and survival of the people. Informal education was the means by which these were handed down from one generation to another. The oral performance was and continues to be one very effective vehicle of informal education. The Ugep people hold very dearly values like courage, bravery, honour and dexterity. They also cherish their history. The Obam oral performance was created to perform this function, in addition to entertaining and giving a sense of nationalistic pride and patriotism.

Keywords: Moral Values Ideals Conduct Oral Performance Informal Education

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.4(1) pp. 17-35


  • Affiah, Uwem
    Department of English & Literary Studies
    University of Calabar, Calabar Nigeria
    Email: uwemaffiah@yahoo.com