English Language in a Multicultural Society: The Nexus between Theory and Practice

Published in AKSUJEL - December, 2017

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The title of this paper The English Language in a Multicultural Society, the Nexus between Theory and Practice." would seem to take up an avalanche of fundamental questions and perhaps, assumptions. A sincere assessment of the undercurrents in the topic, compels one to ask the following questions: As teachers of English in a multicultural society, have we discovered or stumbled on any new ways of teaching and learning the language? Have we been able to introduce any rocket-silence innovative practices in our teaching methods? An equally germane question is what is the level of proficiency achieved by the students under our tutelage and mentorship? Which parameters or indices have we been using to assess the English language learning outcomes of the students? Are we satisfied with, or convinced that the results of our considerable efforts in teaching English over the years are commensurate with our input? Do we rely on the results of examination bodies such as WAEC and NECO for assessing our productivity and our students’ learning outcomes? Or do we wait patiently for our students to matriculate in the tertiary institutions and, then turn to the Use of English course for assessment of their competence in English? These are just a pinch of the weighty concerns agitating one’s mind and indeed, a good food for thought as one considers this topic.

Keywords: Multicultural Society Theory Practice

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1&2(1) pp. 1-9


  • Macpherson Nkem Azuike
    Department of English
    University of Abuja, Nigeria