Aspects of Protest in Mongo Beti’s Novel

Published in AKSUJEL - December, 2017

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This article is concerned with Aspects of Protest in Mongo Beti’s Novels. It was first published in Modern Languages Association of Nigeria (MLAN) Journal in 1983 as part of the proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of MEAN which took place in Calabar from 20- 23 April 1983 have revisited it here on request and as a part of our effort to get our younger colleagues to be acquainted with an appropriate background to protest literature. Data for the study were collected mainly from library sources, particularly the novels analyzed and some of the critical sources on the novels in line with the theme of the Conference which was “The Writer and the Critic” The findings and the critical views expressed are direct and very easy to appreciate They centre around oppression dysfunctional education and social maltreatment within the communities where the novels are focused What appears to be the climax of the protest is the Sixa a camp ironically meant for the training of young girls before they got married. The exact opposite of decent training occurs there. The article ends on a bleak note… indicating that scholars in various societies are now confronted with extensive protests, which have made inroads into more expanded in fact, global protests of different dimensions. The article concludes thus: since oppressions and untoward behaviour patterns appear to have come to stay in the world, protest literature and general protest writing are bound to continue to be a part of human existence… our efforts to make the world livable.

Keywords: Mongo Beti Protests

Cataloging & Classification: Bi-annually , Vol.1&2(1) pp. 10-19


  • David Eka
    Department of English,
    Akwa Ibom State University
    Obio Akpa Campus